Service:Reading by Phone 15 minutes - One Person change
Psychic: Kass Huff
Date/time:Thu, May 2 at 12:15 PM (PDT) change

Thank you, your appointment is considered booked after you hit the submit button at the bottom of this page. For phone readings please call 253-503-6816 at the exact time of your appointment, and have your questions ready. For videochats book all videochats 2:30 pm PST or later if you book before that time your appointment is not considered booked. You will be sent a link to zoom on the day of videochat. For all appointments your appointment is considered booked unless you receive an email or phone call otherwise.  If there is any discrepancy in the time Kass will give you a call, please leave a valid phone number where you can be reached. Please provide a valid credit card number.  Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express are accepted. Cancellation policy: Kass Huff requires 24 hours notice for cancellations and changes, cancels must be emailed to [email protected]. If you cancelled/no show for your appointment without emailing [email protected] within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment, 100% of your appointment fee will be billed to your card on the day of the no-show/cancel. Clients are required to call Kass at the time of the reading. Time Zone: for out of State Clients please remember to change the time zone a the top of the appointment booking screen where it says "Date/Time: Choose on of the openings below (PDT)" change PDT to your time zone, thank you. It is your responsibility to do this every time. It is the policy of Kass Huff that all clients agree (by submitting below) they will not post/write/speak publicly/share recordings on any social media or anywhere including Yelp and Google about Kass Huff and (any information about/from readings with/from Kass shall remain confidential, including but not limited to recorded readings with Kass Huff) without Kass's written permission. Recording:  All recordings must be authorized by Kass, and used only for confidential purposes only between Kass and the client having the session. If you are wanting to record, ask permission, and have your a device to record your session ready, Kass does not record sessions. Recording without express verbal permission is not allowed. General Disclaimer: Readings are for entertainment purposes only. Medical Disclaimer: Readings should never take the place of professional medical advice, do not stop or start any healthcare treatment without your Doctors consent. Please never start or stop a health regimen or based on Psychic Information, and always contact your Health Care Provider regarding all issue’s health related. Kass connects with the other side and brings information through her psychic connection. Kass Huff / Earthly Oasis is neither responsible nor liable for any counsel/advice, treatment/remedy, diagnosis/information, services/products that you obtain based on her psychic readings/intuitive information. Kass Huff reserves the right to refuse service to anyone and fully refund client.  
Many Blessings

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